My Project Shipments widget

Graph the shipping status of project resources that are tied to customer orders: shipped, in process, hold, or past due.

Filter: You can show all projects or only projects where you are the project manager, and filter for shipments where the due date is today, this week, or this month.


  • In Process: Quantity Issued > Quantity Shipped, Due Date falls in selected date range, and order or customer is not on credit hold.
  • Shipped: Quantity Issued <= Quantity Shipped, Due Date falls in selected date range, and order or customer is not on credit hold.
  • Past Due: Quantity Issued > Quantity Shipped, Due Date earlier than today, and order or customer is not on credit hold.
  • Hold: Quantity Issued > Qty Shipped, Due Date less than end date of range, and customer or order is on credit hold.