Kill Active Tasks widget

View all active, long-running tasks, by task name, with the user and the start date and time. Tasks that are in ready status but not running are not listed. This widget is only available for use in an on-premises environment.

If a task is running longer than expected, it might be consuming valuable CPU or system resources. To terminate a task on the utility server, click Kill Task.

Note: Before you can use this widget to kill tasks, you must create a KillTask resource. See the tips below.


  • By default, only tasks running for more than 180 seconds are listed. You can change this filter by setting up a global constant LONG_RUNNING_TASK_FILTER in the Event Global Constants form in the application.
  • Kill Task executes a query on the namespace of a remote server in order to get the handle of the Windows process to terminate. This might require a user credential with administrator privilege. This must be set up on the Monitoring Resources form in the application. (See the help topic on "Setting Up to Kill Long-Running Tasks" for more information about how to set this up.)
  • The Kill Task link does not work until you set it up on the Monitoring Resources form.