Jobs Sourcing My Projects widget

Graph the status of job orders that are sourcing projects: in process, complete, past due or stopped.

Filter: You can show all projects or only projects where you are the manager, and filter for jobs where the start or end date is today, this week, or this month (or where the job ends before the date range, for past due).


  • In Process: Quantity Released > Quantity Complete, Status = Filled or Released, Start Date or End Date falls in selected range, or Start Date is before and End Date is after selected range, and the job is linked to a Project.
  • Complete: Quantity Released <= Quantity Complete and Status = Filled, Released, Complete or History, Start Date or End Date falls in selected range, or Start Date is before and End Date is after selected range, and the job is linked to a Project.
  • Past Due: Quantity Released > Quantity Complete, Status = Filled or Released, End Date less than Today, and the job is linked to a Project.
  • Stopped: Status = Stopped, Start Date or End Date falls in selected range, or Start Date is before and End Date is after the selected range, or End Date is before the selected range, and the job is linked to a Project.