Job Orders widget

The widget displays the graphical representation of status of job orders in a donut chart: in process, complete, stopped or past due. You can filter by a date range (today, this week or this month).

Filter: View information for today, this week, or this month.


  • In Process indicates that Quantity Released > Quantity Complete, Status = Firm or Released, Start Date or End Date falls in the date range, or Start Date is before and End Date is after the date range..
  • Complete indicates that Quantity Released <= Quantity Complete and Status = Firm or Released, or Status = Complete or History, Start Date or End Date falls in the date range, or Start Date is before and End Date is after the date range.
  • Past Due indicates that Quantity Released > Quantity Complete, Status = Firm or Released’, and End Date less than Today.
  • Stopped indicates that Status = Stopped, Start Date or End Date falls in the date range, or Start Date is before and End Date is after the date range, or End Date is before the date range.