Inventory Transactions widget

Perform these transactions: Miscellaneous Receipt, Miscellaneous Issue, Quantity Move, or Quantity Adjustment. Click the appropriate tab, enter the values, and click the button.

Drillback: Click Continue filling out the form in the application to go to the appropriate form in the application.

Use these tabs like the forms with the same names in the application:

  • Miscellaneous Receipt: Fill in the fields and click Receive. If the item is lot-tracked or serial-tracked, then when you click the button, you are prompted to continue the transaction in the application or cancel.
  • Miscellaneous Issue: Fill in the fields and click Process. If you select Process by Container, different fields are shown. If you select Process by Item, and the item you select is lot-tracked or serial-tracked, you are prompted to continue the transaction in the application or cancel.
  • Quantity Move: Fill in the fields and click Process. Select Post Zero Amount Transaction if you want the transaction to post with a cost value of zero. If you select Process by Container, different fields are shown. If you select Process by Item, and the item you select is lot-tracked or serial-tracked, you are prompted to continue the transaction in the application or cancel.
  • Quantity Adjustment: Fill in the fields and click Process. Lot-tracked or serial-tracked items cannot be processed.

The Miscellaneous Issue and Miscellaneous Receipt tabs display information for only the "current warehouse." To set a different warehouse as the current warehouse, open the application and select Actions > Change Warehouse. Then use the Change Warehouse form to select the desired warehouse as the new current warehouse.