Viewing ERP documents in Document Management

Depending on how the documents were loaded into the Document Managementapplication, the attributes you can use to find the documents will vary.

  1. In Infor OS, open the Document Management app.
  2. In the Search area, select a document type, for example CS_SalesInvoice.
  3. To filter for a specific document, select an attribute, operator and value that is related to the document type. For example, if the document type is CS_SalesInvoice, you could specify Customer Number like %5984% to view all of the sales invoices for customer 5984 that are stored in Document Management.

    Some values defined in SyteLine can have leading spaces, so always use the “like” operator for comparison and the wildcard character % to represent any number of leading or following spaces.

    Also remember that the attributes that are available to filter for a document depend on how and where the document was inserted. See Example: tagging and searching with attributes.

  4. Click Search.
    All documents that match the search criteria are shown in preview mode.