Adding widgets to display critical numbers in Homepages

You can select the SyteLine-Critical Numbers widget from the widget catalog and add multiple instances of the widget to your Homepages.

To add the widget and select a .home form:

  1. From the SoHo Xi app menu, select Homepages.
  2. Add one homepage to use as a default, if one does not already exist.
    Note: This default homepage, which displays initially when you log into Infor Ming.le, should not contain any critical numbers widgets, because the Infor OS application must be started before the widgets are displayed.
  3. Open the Infor OS application in SoHo Xi.
  4. Add another homepage to hold the critical numbers widgets.
  5. On the homepage, click Edit.
  6. Click Add Widget.
  7. Click Application.
  8. Next to the SyteLine - Critical Numbers widget, click Add several times to add multiple instances of the widget.
  9. Close the dialog box.
  10. Click Save to save your homepage changes.

    All of your added widgets are set to Past Due Order lines by default. Initially they show a login page. Do not enter login information here.

  11. Configure each widget:
    1. Click in the widget and select Configure.
    2. Select the critical number to display in the widget.

      All critical numbers that are listed in the SyteLine User Critical Number Selection form are available in this widget.

      You must have the appropriate authorization in SyteLine to access the critical number in order to display it in the widget.

    3. Click Save.

      You might see an error message or a login page when the widget is refreshed. This should correct itself after you complete these steps.

  12. Log out of SyteLine and SoHo Xi and close the browser.
  13. Restart SoHo Xi and log in to SyteLine again.
  14. Open the second homepage and verify that the widgets are shown as expected.