On-premises help location

If you have loaded help on-premises according to the instructions in the Installation Guide, the English version of help is located in this subfolder on the application server: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\csi\10.x\en-us\csbiolh

This folder contains files that are used to display the help, as well as subfolders that contain the actual topic files.

Translated help files

When the culture is set in the application's User Preferences, the application looks for the appropriate translated help in the folder defined in the Language IDs form, Override Middle Help URL field, for the selected culture.

For example, translated German help would be stored in this subfolder on the application server: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\csi\10.x\de-de\csbiolh

In the web client, no redirection to the English folder occurs if help is not available in the folder associated with the selected language.

You can override the associated help language. For example, if a user selects Spanish in the User Preferences, but you will not provide the Spanish version of the help, you can provide English help. Select the Spanish row on the Language IDs form and set the Override Middle Help URL field to en-us.

Where to place your custom help files

To keep your custom help system separate from the SyteLine help system, place your custom help files in a subfolder so that the application can find them.

For example, you might create a subfolder under C:\inetpub\wwwroot\csi\10.x\en-us\csbiolh called myhelp.