About the Germany Localization

The Germany Localization includes these features.
Note:  The localization assumes that Tax Mode is set to Item for Tax System 1 on the Tax Systems form.

VAT Reporting Compliance using Categories

You can specify a category for each tax code on the Tax Codes form if Activate EU Reporting is selected on the General Parameters form.

On the Tax Codes form, you can then allocate each tax code to a VAT reporting category and specify the Acquisition VAT account to use.

The available categories are listed on the EU VAT Reporting Categories form, with an indication of whether the category requires offsetting tax entries. The categories cannot be changed, but you can specify descriptions for them on this form.

You can display the categories and descriptions on the VAT Report, and sort the report by Category, Tax Code, Tax Account, Tax Base Account, or Line Number. It shows subtotals with each of these sorting methods.

The Tax Line Numbers form lets you tie a tax system and tax code to a specific line number or box number in the VAT fiscal authority report for a certain year. Having this information makes it easier to fill out the VAT fiscal authority report, because you can sort the values in the EU VAT Report by line number or tax code category, and then enter the subtotals in the appropriate lines or boxes of the report.

Tax Calculations

These forms handle the tax calculation differently if the Germany Country Pack is licensed and enabled:

  • Generate A/P Transactions: If a tax belongs to an EU tax category that requires offsetting tax entries (that is, the Create Offsetting Tax Entries field is selected on the EU VAT Reporting Categories form), then when a voucher is generated, the system generates two distributions against that tax code. One tax distribution is calculated as (tax basis * tax rate) payable, and the other is calculated as (tax basis * tax rate) deductible. Sales tax is zero, no matter what tax rate is defined.
  • Voucher Builder: Same as above, for the tax code in the aptrxd table.
  • Purchase Order Receiving: Same as above, for the tax code in the aptrxd table.
  • If a voucher is generated manually in the A/P Vouchers and Adjustments form, the tax code that is used for creating the tax distribution is entered in the form. It does not use the tax code in the purchase order line, so the special tax processing is not performed.
  • The Germany Localization does not support auto vouchering from the CO-PO features in the standard application.
  • The Germany Localization does not support the Inventory Consigned From Vendor features in the standard application.

Data Media Transfer (Z3) Access for Auditing

Use the GoBD Data Media Transfer Report form to prepare tax reporting data that complies with the Data Media Transfer (Z3) access requirement for GoBD, formerly GDPdU. The options on this form generate the transactional and master data files and metadata index files that are needed to integrate with IDEA audit software. The report data can be filtered for a specified date range. For more information, see Preparing Data Media for Audit Submission.