Setting up the general chart of accounts (PCG) for France

SyteLine allows the management of multiple charts of accounts. However, the master chart of accounts must match the Plan Comptable Général (PCG) chart of accounts.

Use the Chart of Accounts form to create and maintain the general chart of accounts. The use of the various fields on the form for PCG are described in this topic.

If users make changes to the Chart of Accounts after the initial setup, the changes must be logged for later auditing. See About the JET report.


This 12-character alphanumeric field identifies the account code.

For PCG accounts, the first three characters of the code must be numeric and between 100 and 799, to ensure that automatic processes do not produce non-compliant postings.

However, you can use accounts that start with 0 (zero) or with three digits between 800 and 999 for non-balance sheet transactions such as costing, simulation, or off-balance sheet projection (commitment). These accounts do not affect the book balance, which includes only PCG accounts.

Account Type

This field identifies the nature of an account. In order to comply with the PCG standard, each account must be associated with the correct type. These types are available:

  • Owner's Equity
  • Asset
  • Liability
  • Expense
  • Revenue

Control Accounts

Some accounts are marked as control accounts, which means direct input through journal manual entries is not possible. For example, third-party accounts are populated only by postings from customer and vendor subledger accounts.

Unit Code 4

For a French site, Unit Code 4 is used in conjunction with certain analytical accounts to identify changes in inventory. Access to this unit code must be rigorously controlled. For all accounts in classes 1 to 8, you must set Unit Code 4 No access.