EU Sales Listing

VAT-registered businesses in the European Union (EU) must provide details of goods and some services that are supplied to VAT-registered customers in other EU countries.

The European Sales List (ESL) is used by tax authorities to verify that businesses are using VAT correctly. The details are used to create anonymous statistics that show how goods are traded in the EU.

France specifics

In France, Intrastat and ESL returns are merged into one report that contains these categories:

  • Goods: Declaration d'Echanges de Biens (DEB)
  • Services: DĂ©claration EuropĂ©enne de Services (DES)

For DEB, both incoming and outgoing transactions are reported. For DES, only outgoing transactions are reported.

How Infor meets this requirement

You can print a PDF version of the EU Sales List Report from SyteLine. Use the information from that report to supply the required information to the authorities.

See the help topic about Setting Up Information for the EU Sales List Report.