Canceling undelivered, non-invoiced orders in France

This process aids auditors who need to trace canceled orders in the system. Using this process prevents canceled customer order or purchase order from being deleted from the database, leaving a "hole in the order number sequence. The canceled orders are available in forms and hitory reports. This process should be a fairly rare occurrence.

If undelivered and unbilled customer orders must be canceled, use these steps to preserve the order number sequence:

  • Set the order line status to Filled.
  • Set the order status to Filled. Save the order and then change the status again to Complete.

If undelivered and unbilled purchase orders must be canceled, use these steps to preserve the PO number sequence:

  • Set the purchase order line status to Ordered and save the order line.
  • Set the PO line status to Filled and then Complete.
  • When the last complete PO line is saved, the purchase order status is automatically set to Complete.
  • Open the Purchase forms, filter on the PO and set the status to History.