Generating the FEC file for export

Use these steps to generate and export the Fichier d'Ecritures Comptables (FEC) audit file for a fiscal year.

  1. Open the FEC File Export form.
    This form is enabled only if the France Country Pack is enabled on the Optional Modules form.
  2. Specify this information:
    Fiscal Year
    Specify the fiscal year for the information. This is defaulted to the current fiscal year from the General Parameters form. If you change the fiscal year, these validations are performed:
    • All ledgers generated before the selected year are checked to see if they are balanced. If not, an error message is displayed.
    • If the selected fiscal year is not closed, the Final check box is cleared and this is considered a trial version of the FEC.
    Starting / Ending Account
    Specify a range of accounts. Do not include internal accounts.
    FEC File Logical Folder
    Specify the logical folder where the exported file will be stored. This folder name is defaulted from the General Parameters form. You must have the appropriate authorization to access the folder, in order to change the folder name here.

    This is a read-only field. If the fiscal year is closed, this field is selected and the FEC file is the final version. If the fiscal year is not closed, this field is cleared and the FEC file is a trial version.

  3. Click Export to export the FEC files for closed periods and for period 0, which is used for the SB journal.

    These actions occur:

    • All ledgers generated before the selected year are checked to see if they are balanced. If not, an error message is displayed.
    • If the selected fiscal year is not closed, the Final check box is cleared and this is considered a trial version of the FEC.
    • If the Final check box is cleared because the fiscal year is not closed, and if there are unposted transactions in the closed periods of the selected fiscal year, a warning message is displayed. You can choose to continue the export without including the unposted transactions, or you can exit the process. If you continue the process, TRIAL is appended to the filename.
    • If the Final check box is cleared because the fiscal year is not closed, and all transactions are posted for the closed periods of the selected fiscal year, then the FEC files are generated with TRIAL appended to the filename.
    • If the Final check box is selected and all validations pass, then the final version of the FEC files are generated.
  4. Click the Files button to open a form where you can view and download the file from the logical folder to a local drive.