About the JET report

The Journal of Technical Events (JET) report tracks changes made to certain types of data, to certify that the data has not been falsified. The database fields that must be tracked in this report are listed in the Journal of Technical Event Codes form. Certain standard database fields and audit codes are predefined on the codes form. Your auditors can ask you to add more fields for tracking. These fields are then tracked in the audit log.
Note: Enable Audit Logging must be set to 1 on the Process Defaults form in order to start logging the changes to tracked fields.

When you generate the JET report, it shows change messages from the audit logs for all tracked fields; that is, it shows every time a tracked database field was changed. The report must be printed and archived at the end of the fiscal year in order to allow the authorities to carry out some controls. It can also be regenerated on request by the controllers.

Report content

This table shows the content of the report:

Report field Description Data source
Code JET code, used to classify the event Journal of Technical Event Codes form
Description Description of the JET code, displayed in French or English, depending on site language Journal of Technical Event Codes form
Record Date Display the date and time when the event was occurred AuditLog.CreateDate
User Name Username AuditLog.Username
Year Fiscal year YEAR (AuditLog.CreateDate)
Message The tracked field


Category Display the type of database operation: DB update, DB add, DB delete AuditLog.Category
Information Key value, which identifies the object being changed. If the tracked tables are [UserGroupMap_mst], [UserNames], [AccountAuthorizations_mst], [UserModules], return the description of users.

Otherwise, return the value of the Primary Key field in the Journal of Technical Events

Seq Sequence Automatically incremented
Authorization Group authorizations

If the tracked field is [AccountAuthorizations_mst].[Id], return the Authorizations object name

If the tracked field is [UserModules].[UserId], return the user module name

If the tracked field is [UserGroupMap_mst].[GroupId],return the GroupId’s related group name

Otherwise, no data is returned

Old Value Old value before the event occurs
New Value New value after the event has occurred