Third-party ERP software certification

A certification is typically performed by a large audit firm and applies to general ledger, accounts receivable, accounts payable, cash management, fixed assets, and inventory valuation. This is rarely a requirement. Often the high level nature of the audit process renders the audit certificate more a marketing tool than a statement of requirements, necessary to sell and operate ERP successfully in a new country.

Sales invoices, whether manual or electronic, generally require government certification. This includes electronic signatures, content, tax ID, sequential numbering, layout, etc., and extends to credit memos, debit memos, returns, and invoices that are sent and received through a web portal that is hosted by a service provider or the government.

France specifics

Companies that use software to process payments must deposit a technical file with one of the official certification authorities before a tax audit. The certification authorities are LNE or INFOCERT (AFNOR).

The software must be certified as secure, meeting conditions of inalterability, security, data retention, and storage. Evidence must be provided using one of these documents:

  • Certificate from an accredited third party
  • Formal statement from the software publisher

How Infor meets this requirement

Infor can provide this certificate to your company for your auditors, upon request.