Electronic audit files

Audit files must be produced in electronic formats for both auditors and governments. The data set includes this information:
  • Company
  • GL accounts
  • Customers
  • Vendors
  • Tax codes
  • Document totals
  • Journals
  • Vouchers
  • Voucher lines
  • Sales invoices
  • Purchase invoices
  • Payments
  • Inventory items
  • Inventory movements

France specifics

The French FEC is an annual report that is generated and provided to tax auditors on request. This audit file can be a flat file or XML. You must use the French statutory chart of account Plan Comptable Général (PCG) for FEC.

The FEC report encompasses one year and starts with the opening balances at the start of the year, followed by all the GL journals for the year. Each journal must have a sequential journal or protocol number that continues from one year to the next.

This report is not automatically sent to the government.

How Infor meets this requirement

Use the SyteLine FEC File Export form to generate the appropriate files. See About the FEC file export.

See also About the JET report for information about electronic audit files.