Multiple payments, due dates, settlement discounts per invoice

An invoice can be settled into several parts. For example, a single invoice including VAT with a total amount of 1800 can be settled in three drafts:
  • Due after 30 days: 900
  • Due after 60 days: 600
  • Due after 90 days: 300

An invoice can include a schedule of settlement discounts, for example, 5 percent for 10 days, 2 percent for 20 days, and net terms of 30 days.

How Infor meets this requirement

Multiple due dates can be set up for these types of transactions:

  • Invoices generated from customer orders and manually entered on the Invoices, Debit and Credit Memos form.
  • Debit memos generated from the Price Adjustment Invoice form and manually entered on the Invoices, Debit and Credit Memos form.

The successful use of multiple due dates depends on creating billing terms with multiple due dates and percentages, and selecting the appropriate billing terms for customers and customer orders.

See the help topic About Multiple Due Dates for Invoices and Debit Memos.