About Print Sort Methods

Use the Print Sort Methods form to review potential performance issues before you print a financial report.

The system scans each financial report specified on the form and displays which sort method will be used to calculate an account's balance. It also suggests which sort method you should use to improve performance. A separate report for each Report ID is printed.

Financial statements that are run with defined sorting methods take advantage of period total records. (For information on defining sort methods, see the topic on the Period Sorting Methods form.) If a defined method is not used, the system must use summarized ledger transactions, which take time to compile and therefore make the report run slower.

The system reports three possible outcomes:

  • Exact Match: The system found a defined sorting method that has the same number of sort fields as specified in the report.
  • Partial Match: The system found a defined sorting method that matches the sort fields you specified on the report, but the method includes more sort fields than are in the report.
  • Bad Match: The system did not find a defined sorting method that matches your report's criteria. The system is unable to use period total records to calculate account balances. It will have to summarize ledger transactions.

For partial and bad matches the report suggests a definition for a new sorting method.