Use External Customer Posted Balance for Credit Check

This field on the External Financial Interface Parameters form is available only if you first select the Use External A/R System check box on that form.

Select this field if you will use an external software program to calculate the posted balance for a customer. SyteLine requires the posted balance when performing a credit check; it compares (On Order Balance + Posted Balance) against Credit Limit. If you select this field, the posted balance will be requested at the time of the credit check (that is, synchronously). You must update the underlying stored procedure (ExtFinGetExternalPostedBalSp) so that it returns the posted balance from the external financial system.

Alternately, SyteLine can use a posted balance that was retrieved previously (that is, asynchronously) from the external system. Set this up using the Customer Posted Balance tab on the External Financial Interface Data Request Utility.

In an on-premises environment, this setting is not applicable to Infor Global Financials (IGF) integration. Use the default value.