
The customer's payment type displays by default, but you can select a different one from these choices:

  • Adjust: If you select this option, you must also enter the number of the check you are adjusting in the Number field. Then in the Customer Amount field, enter a positive check amount to increase the original check's amount, or enter a negative check amount to decrease the original check amount.
  • Check
  • Draft
  • Wire
  • Direct Debit: When this type is selected, a corresponding direct debit record is created.
Note:  If the customer's currency is not the same as the domestic currency, the Draft option is not available.
Note: When direct debit is selected as the type, the system  verifies this information for the customer:
  • The customer has a non-NULL mandate value. If the value is NULL, an error message is displayed.
  • The expiration date of the customer's mandate has not been reached. If the mandate has expired, an error message is displayed.
  • If the customer's mandate is set as a one-off mandate, a direct debit does not already exist for this customer and the customer's mandate reference with a status of Not Generated, Generated, or Paid. If one does exist, an error message is displayed.