
Select the type of distribution:

  • Invoice: Applied against a specific customer's invoice. This type of payment is required for open item customers. You must enter an invoice number for all invoice payments.
    Note:  For corporate customers, you can enter the invoice of a subordinate customer. The subordinate customer number and name will display on the form.
  • Open Credit: Applied to the customer's total account balance. This type of payment is the only payment type required for balance forward customers. For open item customers, these open credits need to be reapplied against invoices or finance charges at a future time.
  • Finance Charge: Applied against a finance charge balance. These transactions are posted to the Accounts Receivable Distribution Journal. When you select Finance Charge, the Invoice field changes to -1.
    Note:  If you want to apply the payment of a corporate customer to a subordinate customer, select the subordinate customer's number in the Apply To Customer field. To apply the payment to the finance charge balance of the corporate customer, leave the Apply To Customer field blank, or select the corporate customer's number in that field.
  • Non-A/R: Not applied to the Accounts Receivable G/L Account. The amount applied is posted to the Cash account on one side, and to the account entered for the distribution record on the other side. One example of a non-A/R payment would be the return of a payroll overpayment.
    Note:  If a customer is an open item customer, the check amount is applied to invoices and finance charges in the order of their due dates.

On the A/R Payments form, this field displays the type of A/R payment distribution.