
Select the type of payment you are making from these choices:

  • Voucher: Is applied against a particular voucher.
  • Non-A/P: Is not applied against an existing A/P record. This payment type is used when you issue a check that's not related to A/P. The Vch/Seq value is used as a sequence number for non-A/P payments, and will default to the next available sequence. When posted, the cash account is credited, and the account specified in the Deposit Acct field is debited.
  • Commission: Is applied against a commission due to an outside salesperson with a reference number that's the same as the vendor number on the check. The Invoice field must contain an invoice number from the customer order with an unpaid commission due to the vendor.
  • Open: Can be tied/untied to/from a posted voucher. If an open payment has a PO associated with it, the open payment will be recorded on the PO from the value entered in the PO field on the A/P Payment Distributions form. The prepaid amount will be reduced when the open payment is tied to a posted voucher. If an open payment has no PO associated with it, the open payment should be matched with a voucher that will be posted and entered at a later time.
    Note: When adding multiple AP payment distributions, you can specify only one Open type distribution per site for each Open type payment.
Note:  Distributions of type Non-A/P or Commission are not permitted for payments where the Payment Type is Standard Draft.