[Vendor/Domestic Tax Adjustment (1)]

On the A/P Payment Distributions form, enter the GST tax applicable to settlement (early pay) discount, or accept the default value, calculated as:

((discount)/tax basis) * discount * tax rate

If you enter an amount that is not equal to the value from this calculation, a warning message displays. However, you can still use your entered amount.

The Domestic Tax Adjustment (1) field is updated with the vendor tax adjustment amount, stated in the domestic currency.

This field is available only when all of the following are true:

  • Payment type is Voucher
  • Tax Discount/Allowance is selected, and Active for Purchasing is selected, all on the Tax Systems form.
Note:  The Vendor tax adjustments display in the vendor currency in the left field. In the right field, this amount is translated to the domestic currency.

The label for the [Tax Adjustment (1)] field is based on the user-defined Tax Code Item Label (1).

Note: If the payment Type is Non-A/P, you cannot distribute VAT tax.