Primary/Secondary Sort By

Select the primary and secondary methods by which to sort the report:

  • Transaction Date: Sorts the transactions for each account by transaction date. This option appears only on the General Ledger and Multi-FSB General Ledger forms.
  • Transaction Number: Sorts the transactions for each account by transaction number. This option appears only on the General Ledger and Multi-FSB General Ledger forms.
  • Unit1, Unit2, Unit3, or Unit4: Sorts the transactions for each account by transaction number, grouped by the specified unit code. If you specify a code in this field, but leave the Unit Code (1-4) fields blank, the report uses this field as the Unit Code. For example, if you specify Unit2 in the Primary Sort By field, but leave the Unit Code (1-4) fields blank, the report assumes that Unit Code (1-4) is set to 2.

On the Multi-FSB General Ledger forms, these Sort By options can be used only when the Show All Transactions field is selected.