Show/Site/from Site

This field is active only if you have identified a Multi-Site Group ID on the Accounts Payable Parameters and Accounts Receivable Parameters forms. Otherwise, you will be able to view only the current site's invoices or vouchers.

This field, when it appears in a grid, shows the originating site of the transaction.

This field, when it appears in the form header, contains the options Current Site or Site ID. Transactions that display in the current form's grid depend on your selection in this field. Selecting Current Site shows only posted transactions from the current site. Selecting Site ID shows posted transactions for all sites that are part of the ID.

On the posted transactions forms, the site ID that is associated with the selected transaction displays.

On the posted transactions summary forms, your selection in this field in the header portion of the form determines which site's transactions display in the grid at the bottom of the form.

On the A/P Posted Transactions Detail form, the Site field below the PO field displays the site ID that is associated with your selection of Current Site or Site ID.

On the A/R Posted Transactions Detail form, the Site field below the Order field displays the site ID that is associated with your selection of Current Site or Site ID.