[Tax System Label (2)]

Enter the amount of tax for Tax System (2) payable on this voucher. This field is only displayed when a second tax system is defined.

This is a user-defined label that you define on the Tax Systems form.

  • This field displays only when the Prompt for Tax System (1) field is selected on the Tax Parameters form and the Active for Purchasing field is selected on the Tax Systems form. The default value displays from the Vendors form.
  • Provincial Sales Tax/Sales Tax (2) only displays when the Prompt for Tax System (2) field is set to Yes on the Tax Parameters form and the Active for Purchasing field is selected on the Tax Systems form. The default value displays from the Vendors form.
Note:  The display order of the Tax Code fields depends on the tax system. The tax code defined as the rate tax code always displays above the tax code defined as the exempt tax code. If the tax system is an area-based tax system, the Tax Code Label field represents the rate tax code and displays above the Tax Item Code Label field, representing the exempt tax code. If the tax system is an item-based tax system, the Tax Item Code Label field now represents the rate tax code, and displays above the Tax Code Label field, now representing the exempt tax code.