Report Type

You can select from these types of reports:

  • Standard generates the standard version of the Purchase VAT Register Report. Selecting this option enables or disables these fields:
    • Enables the Sort By field.
    • Disables the EU Code fields.
    • Enables the Description field.
  • 347 generates a Spanish Payables Report that contains supplemental information for the Spanish government's Model 347 report. Selecting this option enables or disables these fields
    • Disables the Sort By field.
    • Disables the EU Code fields.
    • Disables the Description field.
  • 349 generates a Spanish Payables Report that contains supplemental information for the Spanish government's Model 349 report. Selecting this option enables or disables these fields:
    • Disables the Sort By field.
    • Enables the EU Code fields.
    • Disables the Description field.
  • Vietnam 01-2/GTGT generates a report that includes certain types of AP posted transactions grouped and totaled by tax code, as required by the Vietnam tax authorities. Selecting this option enables these fields:
    • Starting and Ending Tax Code
    • Starting and Ending Tax Period Date
    • Increment Date
    • Starting and Ending Invoice
    • Starting and Ending Vendor
    • Account Prefix

    All other fields on the form are disabled.