Reference Type

Select a reference type. Valid options are:

  • CO Shipment
  • Proj Shipment
  • TO Shipment
  • TO Receipt
  • RMA Receipt
  • Invoice Adj
  • Voucher Adj

If available, the customer or vendor number and name display below the Ref Type.

The Ref Type field has three sub-fields:

  • Ref: Displays the PO number, CO number or project number
  • Rel: Displays the release number for a PO or CO; displays the resource number for a project
  • Seq: Handles the case of order number, line, areas, all the same.  Two multi-shipments and receipts on the same order line.

For shipments:

  • Ref displays the corresponding order number.
  • Rel displays the release number.
  • Seq displays the date-sequence from the shipment.

For receipts:

  • Ref displays the corresponding order number.
  • Rel displays the release number.
  • Seq displays the date-sequence from the shipment.

For A/R price adjustments:

  • Ref displays the corresponding customer number.
  • Rel comes from the A/R invoice table.
  • Seq shows the invoice sequence.

For A/P cost variances, Ref displays the corresponding vendor number.

For transfer orders, Ref displays the corresponding order number.

For RMA receipts:

  • Ref displays the corresponding order number.
  • Rel displays the release number.