Post in Background Queue

Select this check box to post the process in the Background Queue.

When you select this check box, the system performs these tasks:

  • Enables the Background option on the Action menu.
  • Disables the Print and Commit fields and Process button.
  • Clears and disables the Voucher, Due Date, and Distribution Date fields on the A/P Voucher Posting form.
  • Clears and disables the Invoice, Invoice Date, and Due Date fields on the Invoice Posting form.
  • Clears and disables the Invoice, Invoice Date, Due Date, and Builder Invoice fields on the Multi-Site Invoice Posting form.
  • Clears and disables the Receipt Date, Check Number, and Credit Memo range fields on the A/R Payment Posting form.
  • Clears and disables the Receipt Date and Check Number range fields on the A/R Adjustment Posting form.
  • Clears and disables the Receipt Date, Wire Number, and Credit Memo range fields on the A/R Wire Posting form.
  • Clears and disables the Due Date and Draft Number range fields on the A/R Draft Posting form.
  • Clears and disables the Due Date and Direct Debit Number range fields on the A/R Direct Debit Posting form.

When errors occur while running a process in the background, an email is sent to users who are subscribed to the appropriate publication on the Publication Subscribers form. For example, to receive A/P voucher posting errors, subscribe to the APVoucherPostingBackgroundError publication. For more information, see the help topic About Publications, Categories, Subscribers and Key Values.