Payment Currency Code

This field displays the code for the currency in which the payment is made.

On the A/R Payments and A/R Quick Payment Application forms, if a Credit Memo is not selected, you can choose a different payment currency code. For draft or direct debit payment types, the payment currency must be either the customer or domestic currency.

On the A/P Payments and A/P Quick Payment Application forms, for payments other than reapplications, the code displayed here is tied to the bank code in the Bank Code field and changes only if you change the bank code to one that is associated with a different currency. For reapplications, the payment currency is determined by the currency stored on the posted A/P payment that is being reapplied.

On the A/P Payment Distributions and A/R Payment Distributions forms, this field displays the code for the currency in which the payment was made. It is read-only.