Mapping Fields

The fields in this grid relate to the fields in the Mapping Groups grid. When you select a row in the Mapping Groups grid, any associated fields are displayed in the Mapping Fields grid.

  • Field Number - The field number is displayed.
  • Field Name - This is the field name used for the format type.
  • Field Label - This is the label used in the Data View fields.
  • Code List Type - This is a viable type for the EFT Type and Format Type.
  • Is Amount - This indicates that this is an amount field having the number of decimals appear according to how the bank defines the decimal places. A typical use would have 10.00 appear as 1000 with implied decimals as 2 places.
  • Is Date - Select this field if you are defining a date field. The date must be in the bank’s format, and the format must be acceptable for the database.
  • Column Name - The column name is displayed.
  • Value Conversion ID - Conversion required to change the bank statement record into an Infor SyteLine accepted record.
  • App Field Name - The application field name is displayed.