Limit Exceeded Credit Hold Reason

Enter or select a code for the system to use as the default credit hold reason for exceeding credit limits. The value you enter is used when the system automatically places a customer order on credit hold because the customer's credit limit has been exceeded. After an order is placed on credit hold, the system prevents you from shipping it either through manual or batch processes.

If you need to add a new code, right-click and select Details to display the Credit Hold Reason Codes form, where you can enter the new code.

Note:  If this field is blank and you create or update a customer order or a customer order line when the customer's (or corporate customer's, if applicable) credit limit is exceeded, the system does not place the customer order on credit hold and does not prevent you from shipping the order.

In a multi-site environment, when you add customer orders from one site (the originating site) to be shipped out of another site (the shipping site), the credit hold reason code from the originating site's Accounts Receivable Parameters form is used in the shipping site. That is, if the Limit Exceeded Credit Hold Reason code is filled in on the originating site's Accounts Receivable Parameters form, then that reason code value is used to place the shipping site's customer orders on credit hold.