Discount Account/Account

If you are entering a Voucher type distribution, the Discount account number from the Accounts Payable Parameters form displays, but you can select a different account for the discount amount. This field is accessible only if the discount is not zero.

If you are entering a Non A/P type distribution, select the number of the G/L account that will receive the distribution amount. This account offsets the cash account. By default the Non-A/P account number displays from the Currency Codes form, or, if that is blank, from the Multi-Currency Parameters form. If both of those are blank, the Discount Account from the A/P Parameters form is displayed. You can select a different account to apply the payment to.

If you are entering a Commission type distribution, the number of the G/L commission paid account displays from the Accounts Payable Parameters form, but you can select a different account to apply the payment to.

If you are entering an Open type distribution, the number of the G/L deposit account displays from the Accounts Payable Parameters form, but you can select a different account to apply the payment to.