Cutoff Date/Due Date

Enter or select the date to use as the cutoff. All transactions having dates prior to and including this cutoff date are included.

On the Purge Journals form, you can leave this field blank to delete all transactions for the selected journal.

On the Accounts Payable Aging Report and Accounts Receivable Aging Report, all transactions with distribution dates prior to and including this cutoff date are included. Aging reports compare the cutoff date to the distribution dates.

On the A/R Finance Charge Generation form, the current system date is displayed by default, but you can change it to the last date of the transactions to be included.

On the Budget Consolidation and Ledger Consolidation forms, only budgets or transactions dated on or before the cutoff date will be consolidated.

On the Change Reports To Entity form, enter the final date the current site reported to the entity under the old structure. The effective date that the site will be reporting to the new reports to will be the day after this cutoff date. This date cannot be earlier than the date the database itself was created.

On the Available to Ship Report, only customer order line items having a Due Date prior to or equal to the Cutoff Date are included on the report. If the Include Ship Early check box is selected on this report, then the system also includes those customer order line items for a customer order where the Ship Early check box is checked on the Customer Orders form. This happens regardless of the specified Due Date on the order line item.