Check Number, Range

Enter the first and last check numbers to include in this utility.

On the A/P Check Printing/Posting form, the first and last check numbers in the range that will be voided display for reference.

On the A/R Payment Posting form, checks that have deposit dates later than the site's system date do not display in the range of check numbers.

When you run the Void A/P Posted Payments utility, for each check within the criteria you entered, you are prompted whether to void the payment for that check number. Select a response:

  • Yes: The system verifies that the information for the check transaction is complete. It then voids the check and prints a listing of all transactions.
  • No: The system skips the current check number and displays the message for the next check number within the selected range.
  • Cancel: The system exits from the utility without processing any information.
Note:  If a payment was divided between direct deposit and check, the system displays the message twice. You cannot partially void such a transaction.