Generate Button

After the rows have been selected and the data entered, click the Generate Voucher button. The following actions are performed:

  • A new builder voucher number is generated, based on the originating site's builder voucher prefix and the last used builder voucher number. All selected rows from the Voucher Builder form are assigned this builder voucher number. The combination of the builder voucher originating site and the builder voucher number ensures that this set of vouchers is unique across the system.
  • The system copies all selected data for each target site from the builder voucher originating site to the target sites.
  • In every selected target site, the system uses the target site's data, along with the data provided through the Voucher Builder at the originating site, to create vouchers in the target site.
  • The system displays a message containing the builder voucher number that was generated.
  • In the Voucher Builder form at the originating site, the entire collection is refreshed to display any purchase orders that still need to be vouchered for the selected vendor.
Note:  After generation is complete, if you enter the same vendor again, already submitted and yet to be vouchered PO receipts will still appear if the process of creating a voucher is delayed in the target site. If replication is transactional, submitted purchase orders will not show up if the voucher has been created.