Shop Floor Control Ledger Distribution Journal References

SF Compressed SF Journal Transactions

Occurs at data entry, before posting the Shop Floor journal to the GL while stating Yes to Compress Journal Before Posting.

INV JADJ Job BOM Cost Roll Up and Job Order Number

Occurs when an Item using specific cost method:

  • has been cross-referenced from a PO to a Job.
  • has been received/issued to the Job.
  • has the PO vouchered at a different cost than it was received.
  • performs the Job BOM Cost Roll Up utility while selecting the check box labeled 'Update 'P' Ref Matl Actual Cost.

INV JBF Job Order Back Flush and Job Order Number

Occurs when an Item has been marked as a Backflush Item then entered as a Job BOM. The Material is automatically issued based on the quantity completed when the Operation or Job is shown as complete.

INV JCLS Job Order Other WIP Variance and Job Order Number

Occurs when the job is complete and WIP remains. It is the amount needed to be removed from WIP.

INV JFIN Job Order Finish and Job Order Number

Occurs when an Item has been partially completed on a Job and has been moved to Inventory without completing the Job found in the Job Definition program Job Orders.

INV JFMO Order Fixed Material Overhead and Job Order Number

INV JMOV Job Order Overhead Variance and Job Order Number

Occurs when the material is issued using the new standard cost found in the Job Material Transactions.

INV JMUV Job Order Material Usage Variance and Job Order Number

Occurs when:

  • The system has been set for standard costing in the shop floor.
  • The material actually issued to the Job is greater than or less than the standard quantity required.
  • The Job in question has been completed.

INV JOB Job Order Other Issue and Job Order Number

Occurs when an Item is issued to a Job that has a material type of Other as found in the Job Material Transactions form.

INV JOC Job Order

Machine Transaction.

INV JOI Job Order Material, Tool, Fixture, Issue, and Job Order Number

Occurs when an Item is issued to a Job that has a material type of Material, Fixture, Tool as found in the Job Material Transactions form.

INV JOL Job Order Labor and Job Order Number

Occurs when a Job labor transaction has been posted to a Job in Post Job Transactions.

INV JRWK Job Order Return for Rework and Job Order Number

Occurs when:

  • The system has been set for actual costing.
  • An Item that was previously produced and moved to Inventory is returned back to the originating Job.

INV JVMO Job Order Variable Material Overhead and Job Order Number

Occurs when:

  • The shop floor control parameter labeled Overhead Basis has been either set to Material.
  • The Matl Vovhd Rate in the product code file has been set to a value greater than zero for those Items found on a Job BOM.
  • The BOM Items have been issued to the Job found in the Job Material Transactions form.

INV JWIP Job Order WIP Account Change and Job Order Number

Occurs when a Job order's WIP account has been changed after costs have been posted to the Job.


Occurs when the Recalculate Journal Balances Utility creates an offsetting journal entry. This utility compares total debits and total credits within a date range. If the range is out of balance, it will balance it by creating an offsetting journal entry for each distinct control number.