Fixed Assets Ledger Distribution Journal References

FA Compressed FA Journal Transaction

Occurs at data entry, before posting the Fixed Assets Ledger Distribution journal to the General Ledger while choosing to Compress Journal Before Posting.

FADEP # Depreciation Transaction and Asset Number

Occurs when depreciation of the assets has been generated, then posted, using the Fixed Asset Depreciation Posting form.

FADSP # Asset Disposal Transaction and Asset Number

Occurs when an asset is disposed and subsequently posted in the Fixed Asset Disposal form.

FAT # Asset Transfer Transaction and Asset Number

Occurs when an asset is transferred and subsequently posted in the Fixed Asset Transfer form.


Occurs when the Recalculate Journal Balances Utility creates an offsetting journal entry. This utility compares total debits and total credits within a date range. If the range is out of balance, it will balance it by creating an offsetting journal entry for each distinct control number.