Posting Invoices, Debit Memos, and Credit Memos
Before actually posting the transactions, you must first print the Invoice Transaction Report as an audit trail of the posted items. A list of the transactions that will be posted displays in the grid at the bottom of the form for reference.
If an error is detected with the transactions during posting, an error message is displayed, and the erroneous record is not posted. The posting process continues.
When posting invoices, the transaction currency is copied to the A/R Posted Transaction for the invoice.
For an invoice based on a customer that uses revision/pay days to be included in this activity, the status must be Approved or Rejected.
If this is a multi-site environment, use the Multi-Site Invoice Posting form instead.
To post invoices, debit memos, and credit memos:
If errors are detected in a transaction, the system displays a message indicating that not all transactions were posted.