Creating Vouchers with the Manual Voucher Builder

Use the Manual Voucher Builder form to quickly create a voucher in one or more sites for a single vendor's invoice. On any site, you can specify the portion of the vendor invoice amounts to allocate. You can enter all or some subset of the vendor invoice amounts. You may use the originating site as the To Site.

During processing, the system validates that allocated totals for each type of amount equal the amounts specified from the vendor's invoice. If the validation is successful, the system generates a Builder Voucher number at the Manual Voucher Builder originating site. The Builder Voucher number, along with the Builder Voucher originating site value (the site where Manual Voucher Builder activity is performed) defines the set of vouchers created for this invoice.

The system sets these values during creation of the voucher at the To Site:

  • Type - set to "V" (voucher)
  • Posted from PO - cleared
  • Discount Amt - the sum of the invoice amount minus the non-discount amount multiplied by the discount percentage
  • Non-Discount Amt - the sum of Freight + Brokerage + Duty + Insurance + Local Freight + Misc Charges + Sales Tax + Sales Tax 2

The system sets these values based upon Terms Code for Vendor at the To Site:

  • Prox Code (defaulted)
  • Prox Day (defaulted)
  • Disc Pct (defaulted)
  • Disc Days (defaulted)
  • Disc Date (calculated)
  • Due Days (defaulted)
  • Due Date (calculated)

For the A/P Account and A/P Account Unit Codes 1-4, if the Vendor Category exists at the To Site, the system obtains the A/P account and unit codes from the Vendor Category; otherwise, the system obtains them from the Accounts Payable Parameters.

Once the vouchers are created, you may view them on the A/P Vouchers and Adjustments form in the appropriate site.

You can create vouchers outside of the current period under the following conditions:

  • You have the appropriate permissions set up
  • On the General Parameters form, Allowable Days Forward and Allowable Days Backward are set to blank.
  • The system validates the current period restriction against the local site, not remote sites. As long as the Distribution Date is within the current period on the local site, the system does not validate for the current period at any specified remote sites.

Data on this form is not persistent. When you close this form, the system removes all non-processed data.

For instructions on using this form, see Creating Vouchers with the Manual Voucher Builder.

You cannot perform these functions with this form:

  • Create vouchers for entities
  • Enter pending voucher transactions for a site that has a different domestic currency than the manual voucher builder site
  • Enter pending adjustment transactions
  • Attach voucher pre-register to created vouchers
  • Specify whether tax amounts are included in the purchase amount (Include Tax in Cost)
  • Use predefined recurring vouchers to generate vouchers at one or more sites
  • Create system notes.
Note: To perform more complex functions with vouchers, we recommend using the A/P Vouchers and Adjustments form.
  1. Set up Replication Rules for the Voucher Builder category. This is a one-time setup.
    • From the Manual Voucher Builder site to the remote site(s) into which pending voucher transactions will be created. This allows the setup of how the system will process pending voucher transactions.
    • From the remote site(s) into which pending voucher transactions will be created to the Manual Voucher Builder site. This will replicate the necessary _all table data for validations performed on the Manual Voucher Builder form.
  2. Open the Manual Voucher Builder form.
  3. Enter this information in the header:
    • Vendor: Select the vendor for which you are entering the voucher. The vendor's name displays.
    • Invoice: Enter the vendor's invoice number for tracking purposes.
    • Invoice Date: By default, this field displays today's date, but you can change it to the date on which the vendor invoiced you for this transaction.
    • Distribution Date: By default, today's date displays, but you can change it to the date on which you want to distribute these funds.
    • Notes: (Optional) Enter any notes about the transaction.
    • Generate Distribution: Select this check box to have the system automatically distribute the voucher once you process it.
    • Fixed Rate: (For non-domestic currency vendors only) Select this check box only if you want to use a fixed rate. Selecting this check box fixes the rate for the life of the document.
    • Currency: The currency rate displays.
    • Exchange Rate: (For non-domestic currency vendors only) Enter the exchange rate.
    • Purchase Amt: Enter the total amount of the vendor invoice you are recording.
    • Freight: Enter the freight charges.
    • Duty: Enter the duty charges.
    • Brokerage: Enter the brokerage charges.
    • Insurance: Enter the insurance charges.
    • Local Freight: Enter the local freight charges.
    • Misc Charges: Enter the miscellaneous charges.
    • Sales Tax: Enter the amount of tax for Tax System 1.
    • Sales Tax 2: Enter the amount of tax for Tax System 2.
    • Invoice Amt: The invoice amount displays.
  4. In the grid for each site, enter this information. Allocation totals display at the bottom of the form.
    • To Site: Select the target site.
    • Purchase Amt: Enter the purchase amount for the site.
    • Freight: Enter the freight charges.
    • Duty: Enter the duty charges.
    • Brokerage: Enter the brokerage charges.
    • Insurance: Enter the insurance charges.
    • Local Freight: Enter the local freight charges.
    • Misc Charges: Enter any miscellaneous charges.
    • Sales Tax: Enter the sales tax.
    • Sales Tax 2: If this field is available, enter the sales tax for Tax System2.
    • Invoice Amt: The invoice amount displays.
  5. To generate the vouchers for each site, click Process.

    If validation is successful, the system creates the pending voucher transactions in the site(s) specified. It generates a new Builder Voucher number based on the originating sites Purchasing Parameters and the last Builder Voucher number. The Builder Voucher Orig Site is set as the site specified on the General Parameters form where you are creating the manual voucher.

    If validation fails, the system handles the failure in one of these ways:

    • If the To Site is equal to the Manual Voucher Builder site, or if replication is transactional, from the Manual Voucher Builder site to the remote site, then the system returns the error and does not process the transactions.
    • If the To Site is not equal to the Manual Voucher Builder site and replication is non-transactional, the system handles the failure only at the remote site via the error-handling process that has been defined for non-transactional replication.

The new Builder Voucher number is displayed in a message when processing is complete.

When you close the form, the system removes any unprocessed rows.