Creating Vouchers or Adjustments Automatically
There are two ways to automatically generate vouchers or adjustments:
- Configure the Auto Voucher feature for each vendor.
- Use the Generate A/P Transactions form, as described here.
If you have set up multiple currencies for vendors, you can generate a voucher or voucher adjustment that has a currency other than the vendor default currency. For a voucher, the currency will match that of the purchase order(s) of the receipts for which the voucher is being generated. All purchase orders of receipts for a voucher much contain the same currency. For an adjustment, the currency will match that of the voucher being adjusted.
In the Additional Material tab, you set criteria to select the purchase orders and goods receiving notes (GRNs) referred to in the vendor's invoice.
The grid on the PO Selections tab contains all possible records for a vendor regardless of the Fixed Rate and Exchange Rate specifications, including non-inventory items. When a record is selected in this grid, any records that do not match the Fixed Rate and Exchange Rate specifications of the selected record are disabled. Any disabled records are re-enabled when either all records have been deselected, or when the collection gets refreshed.
The Taxes tab is enabled only when the field Active for Purchasing is selected in the Tax Systems form for at least one tax system.
To automatically create vouchers or adjustments using the Generate A/P Transactions form: