Full code

Full code refers to personalizations which generally have more needs than the previous two categories and require a more complex suite of tools or libraries.

  • Scripting (VB.NET,C#): libraries of scripts available for forms personalizations.
    • Features/Advantages:
      • Familiar coding languages
      • Robust reference libraries
      • Global Scripts – reusable methods which can be referenced by any Mongoose form
      • Form Scripts – methods in scope only to itself
      • Other no code or low code options may exist to achieve similar results
    • Disadvantages:
      • Merging of personalizations is limited to the abilities of FormSync. Many scripts require user interaction to complete.
  • T-SQL objects
    • Features/Advantages:
      • Familiar coding languages
      • If database access is available, source code can be viewed there.
      • Supports EXTGEN personalization
        • Most SyteLine stored procedures have “exit blocks”
        • If EXTGEN object exists in database, it is executed. Depending on return code, the EXTGEN’d logic may be performed instead of SyteLine code or before SyteLine Code.
    • Disadvantages:
      • Limited visibility – few Mongoose forms to expose backend objects.
        • SQLTables form can be used for basic schema editing – new tables, columns, indexes, constraints
          • Cloud instances enforce strict table and column naming conventions to avoid SyteLine conflicts
        • CreateStoredProcedure allows some stored procedure editing
          • Dynamic SQL statements are considered an injection security risk for cloud instances; therefore, any stored procedure with it is excluded.
      • Limited access in cloud – access to SSMS is prohibited
      • Cloud prohibits custom stored procedures, functions, or triggers.
      • User is responsible for merging changes of SyteLine code into personalizations.
      • Being phased-out as code is migrated to mid-tier
  • Custom Assemblies
    • .Net Coding using MG Build from Source – a Mongoose form which allows .NET source code to be save and compiled without the need of external IDE tool
      • Requirements
        • Mongoose 9.03+
        • SyteLine source code required for personalization of SyteLine logic
      • Features
        • No external IDE tool required
      • Disadvantages
        • Go/no-go – the build process is typically success or fail.
        • No intellisense or syntax checking – user must ensure valid code is entered
        • User is responsible for merging changes of SyteLine code into personalizations.
    • .Net Coding using IDE (local development for on-premise SyteLine instances)
      • Requirements:
        • Visual Studio or equivalent IDE (to attach to a process)
        • SyteLine 10 Solution SDK
      • Features/Advantages:
        • Robust code editor
        • Intellisense
        • Syntax checking
        • Matches SyteLine development
      • Disadvantages:
        • User is responsible for merging changes of SyteLine code into personalizations.