Creating or Updating a PO Requisition

Use the Request PO Requisition form to create a purchase order requisition, or to update a requisition that you created. You can then submit the requisition or change for approval.

If you are a manager, you can create or update PO requisitions for your direct reports.

To create a new PO requisition:

  1. In the menu bar, click the ellipsis button and select PO Requisitions > Request PO Requisition.
  2. Optionally, if you are a manager, select one of your direct reports from the Employee field.
  3. Click New Requisition.
    The Line number defaults to 1.
  4. Specify this information:
    Due Date
    Specify the date when you need this item.
    Select or enter an item number. (The item does not have to be listed in the Items form. You can create a PO requisition for non-inventoried items.)
    Optionally, select a manufacturer and the manufacturer's item number.
    Requisition Code
    Optionally, select a code that describes the reason for the requisition.
    Select the warehouse where the purchased goods should be delivered, or accept the default warehouse.
    Specify the quantity of the item to order, and the unit of measure, if it is not defaulted.
    Optionally, specify the vendor number if it is not defaulted.
    Account/Unit Codes
    If this is a non-inventory or purchased item, specify the G/L account number and appropriate unit codes. You can see these fields only if you are assigned to the Employee Self Service Non-Inventory Account authorization group.
    Optionally, specify the destination information in terms of inventory, job, order, project, and so on.
  5. Optionally, specify additional costs for material, freight, duty, and so on.
  6. To add more line items to the PO requisition, click Add Another Item and repeat steps 4 and 5.
  7. Click Submit to send the purchase order requisition to your manager for approval.
    An email is sent to notify both you and your manager about this submitted requisition.
To update an existing requisition, select it from the PO Requisition field. (You can only change lines where the status is Requested.) Make the needed changes and click Submit. An email is sent to notify both you and your manager about this submitted requisition.