Requesting Time Off

Note:  If you are a manager or supervisor, you can request time off for yourself or for a direct report employee.

To request time off:

  1. In the menu bar, click the ellipsis button and select Time Off > Request Time Off.
  2. Specify this information:
    This field is available only for managers or supervisors. Specify the employee for whom to request time off.
    Specify the date or dates being requested.
    Specify the reason for the request, such as Sick, Vacation, or Other.  
    Specify the number of hours requested. You have these options:
    • To request a full day or half day off, you can simply select the appropriate check box. The Hours field is filled in automatically. You can also specify the hours in the Hours field yourself. You do not have to use the check boxes.
    • To specify hours other than a full day or half day, type the number in the Hours field. For example, you can specify 2.5 hours or 6 hours.
    Optionally, you can add comments about your request. These comments are included in a notification email message.
  3. Click Submit.

Your request is displayed as Pending on the calendar, and an email message is sent to your manager. When your manager approves or rejects your time-off request, the calendar is updated and an email message is sent to you.