Loading EDI Transactions

Note:  This topic applies to demand- and supply-side EDI.

Use the EDI Transaction Load Routine form to import EDI transactions from the translator into SyteLine. If you use Auto Posting, this utility automatically posts the transactions and creates or updates the appropriate SyteLine records, such as customer orders, customer order lines and releases, CO ship records, and purchase orders.

For information about what to do with the different types of transactions after importing them (reviewing data, manual posting, and so on), see the appropriate "Receiving" topic.

  1. In the EDI Transaction Load Routine form, select the appropriate InboundLogical Folder that will hold the files to import.
    You must have the appropriate authorization to access the folder, in order to specify or change the folder name here.
  2. Click Files to open the File Maintenance form for the logical folder.
  3. Click Upload and browse to the files that you want to upload to the logical folder.
  4. Select the files and click Open.
    The files are added to the logical folder. You can see the list of uploaded files in the File Maintenance form.
  5. To run the utility and begin loading transactions, click Process.
  6. When the utility completes, switch to the Logical Folder that contains the log files produced by the utility.
    Select a log file and click View to review it.
  7. Click Files to open the File Maintenance form for the Log File Logical Folder.
  8. Select a log file and click View to open it.
    For information about errors that might stop transaction posting, see these topics: