EDI Purchase Order Acknowledgments (Inbound)

Use this form to view unposted Purchase Order Acknowledgments and Blanket Purchase Order Acknowledgments (inbound 855/ORDRSP transactions). These are inbound documents received from a supplier to which you have sent an EDI purchase order. The PO acknowledgment allows a vendor to reiterate the order as they understand it and make changes that should then be reflected in your system's original PO. These changes can be to ship dates, quantities and pricing (item cost), based on the vendor's ability to satisfy the order at hand.

For each record, the vendor order number, ship via, and terms information from both the original PO and the acknowledgment are displayed, so you can compare them.

You can also select a record and click the Lines/Releases button to compare the original order line values with the acknowledgment's line values. The form that displays depends on whether the selected acknowledgment record is for a regular or a blanket purchase order.

Determine whether the changes (if any) to the original PO terms are acceptable. If so, you can post the acknowledgment.