Advance Ship Notices

Use this form to alert your transfer partners that an order has shipped.

The advance ship notice (ASN) consists of:

  • Transfer order header information.
  • A summary of shipping/transfer information.
  • Descriptions of items being shipped. (Modify information already generated for you about specific items associated with a shipped order on the Advance Ship Notice Line Items form.)

The Advance Ship Notice form is blank when you enter without an existing advance ship notice. You can then generate an advance ship notice from a transfer order.

After you have entered all data on the Advance Ship Notice and Advance Ship Notice Line Items forms, print the ASN using the Print Advance Ship Notice Report form.

Note:  Advance Ship Notices are used for transfer orders. They are not the same as EDI Advance Ship Notices, which are used for EDI customer orders and are handled through the delivery order module.