Inbound Archive Logical Folder

Specify the logical folder where you want to store loaded inbound data files. You must have the appropriate authorization to access the folder, in order to specify or change the folder name here.

Click the Files button to open a form where you can view, upload, download or delete files from the logical folder.

Note:  For an on-premises installation, specify a logical folder that is accessible from the server where TaskMan is installed, because EDI data is loaded and unloaded by background tasks that run through TaskMan.

After the inbound file is processed, it is stored in the archive logical folder with one of the following prefixes. These prefixes tell what inbound file was processed.

Demand Side:

  • PO for 850/ORDERS
  • RH and RD for 830/DELFOR and 862/DELJIT header and detail files

Supply Side:

  • 855_DTL for 855/ORDRSP
  • 856_DTL for 856/DESADV
  • 810_DTL for 810/INVOIC

Demand and Supply Side:

  • Julian date stamp

The system modifies the file name to indicate the type of transaction (digits 2 and 3), the time that the system received it (digits 4 through 7), and the day of the year on which the system received it. For example, a file called APO520.365 is a purchase order file that was received on December 31 at 5:20 a.m.