Creating an EDI Planned Purchase Order (Outbound 830/DELFOR)

You can send planned orders (forecasts) for purchased items to a vendor electronically using the Outbound 830/DELFOR transaction. The planned order for the purchased item is created using the MRP Planning or APS Planning activity.

  1. On the EDI Vendor Profiles form, select the Generate Planned POs field.

    If this field is not selected, the system does not generate the EDI planning information or export 830/DELFOR transactions.

  2. On the Items form, define planning options for the item to be purchased.

    The system only creates planning information for the Rank 1 vendor for this item, as defined on the Vendor Contracts form.

  3. Open the APS Planning or MRP Planning form and run the activity to create planned orders for the item.

    Whenever you run APS or MRP planning, these forecasts continue to be created until the options are turned off in the vendor profile.

    After the planned orders have been generated by the MRP or APS program, the forecast information is ready to send to the vendor.

  4. On a regular basis (weekly is common), use the Extract EDI Planning Schedules form to format the information for export.
  5. Use the EDI Transaction Unload Routine to export your transaction to the translator. See About EDI Translators for more information.