Outbound Supply EDI Transactions - Flat-File Layout

This topic describes the flat-file layout for outbound supply EDI transactions.
  • Explanation of Formats:

    DT = Date

    AN = Alphanumeric

    N* = Numeric (2nd digit = the number of decimal places)

  • Field Length: Each file must be the exact length designated in this file layout. Each field's starting position must match the file layout. If your values are shorter than the field length specified here, the value is padded with blanks to fill the length of the field so that each field starts in the correct position.

830 (DELFOR) Blanket Purchase Orders

Map Identifier Record

Field Description Position Length Format Field or Notes
Trading Partner Code 1 7 AN cust_tp_mst.tp_code You can enter 17 characters in the Trading Partner field but will only use 7 characters for exports.
SY1 Designator (hard_coded) 8 3 AN Hard Coded SY1
Transaction Type Number 11 6 AN Hard Coded 830


Field Description Position Length Format Field or Notes
Trading Partner Code 1 7 AN vend_tp_mst.tp_code

You can enter 17 characters in the Trading Partner field but will only use 7 characters for exports.

Record Type 8 3 N0 100
Schedule Number 11 7 N0 edi_sched_mst.sched_num
Schedule Sequence Nbr 18 3 N0 000
Undefined 21 10 AN spaces
Vendor Number 31 7 AN edi_sched_mst.vend_num
Schedule Date 38 8 DT edi_sched_mst.extract_date
Undefined 46 155 AN spaces


Field Description Position Length Format Field or Notes
Trading Partner Code 1 7 AN vend_tp_mst.tp_code

You can enter 17 characters in the Trading Partner field but will only use 7 characters for exports.

Record Type 8 3 N0 200
Schedule Number 11 7 N0 edi_sched_dtl_mst.sched_num
Schedule Sequence Nbr 18 3 N0 edi_sched_dtl_mst.seq_num
Undefined 21 10 AN spaces
Item 31 30 AN edi_sched_dtl_mst.item
Revision 61 8 AN edi_sched_dtl_mst.revision
Drawing 69 25 AN edi_sched_dtl_mst.drawing_nbr
Description 94 40 AN edi_sched_dtl_mst.description
Plan Date 134 8 DT edi_sched_dtl_mst.plan_date
Planned Order Qty 142 14 N3 edi_sched_dtl_mst.plan_qty
U/M 156 3 AN edi_sched_dtl_mst.u_m
Undefined 159 42 AN spaces

850 (ORDERS) Regular Purchase Orders and 862 (DELJIT) Blanket Purchase Order Release (Flat File Layouts)

Map Identifier Record

Field Description Position Length Format Field or Notes
Trading Partner Code 1 7 AN cust_tp_mst.tp_code

You can enter 17 characters in the Trading Partner field but will only use 7 characters for exports.

SY1 Designator (hard_coded) 8 3 AN Hard Coded SY1
Transaction Type Number 11 6 AN Hard Coded 850

PO HEADER (850 AND 862)

Field Description Position Length Format Field or Notes
Trading Partner Code 1 7 AN vend_tp_mst.tp_code

You can enter 17 characters in the Trading Partner field but will only use 7 characters for exports.

Record Type 8 3 N0 100
Purchase Order Number 11 10 AN po_mst.po_num, edi_po_mst.po_num
Sequence 21 3 N0 edi_po_mst.seq_num
PO Blanket Line Num 24 4 N0 0000
Line/Release Number 28 4 N0 0000
Text Sequence 32 3 N0 000
Undefined 35 9 AN  
Vendor Number 44 7 AN vend_num, vend_tp_mst.vend_num
Currency 51 3 AN vendor_mst.curr_code
PO Type 54 1 AN po_mst.type, edi_po_mst.type
Vendor Order 55 22 AN edi_po_mst.vend_order
Order Date 77 8 DT po_mst.order_date, edi_po_mst.order_date
Terms 85 3 AN po_mst.terms_code, edi_po_mst.terms_code
Ship Via 88 4 AN po_mst.ship_code, edi_po_mst.ship_code
FOB 92 60 AN po_mst.fob, edi_po_mst.fob
Buyer 152 25 AN po_mst.buyer, edi_po_mst.buyer
Vendor LCR 177 20 AN po_mst.vend_lcr_num, edi_po_mst.vend_lcr_num
Prepaid Amount 197 14 N2 po_mst.prepaid_amt, edi_po_mst.prepaid_amt
Whse 211 4 AN po_mst.whse, edi_po_mst.whse
Discount Days 215 3 N0 terms_mst.disc_days
Discount Pct 218 8 N3 terms_mst.disc_pct
Due Days 226 3 N0 terms_mst.due_days
Proxima Day 229 2 N0 terms_mst.prox_day
PO Status 231 1 AN po_mst.stat
Undefined 232 239 AN  


Field Description Position Length Format Field or Notes
Trading Partner Code 1 7 AN vend_tp_mst.tp_code

You can enter 17 characters in the Trading Partner field but will only use 7 characters for exports.

Record Type 8 3 N0 110
Purchase Order Number 11 10 AN po_mst.po_num, edi_po_mst.po_num
Sequence 21 3 N0 edi_po_mst.seq_num
PO Blanket Line Num 24 4 N0 0000
Line/Release Number 28 4 N0 0000
Text Sequence 32 3 N0 000
Undefined 35 9 AN  
Vendor Name 44 60 AN vendaddr_mst.name
Address Line 1 104 50 AN vendaddr_mst.addr##1
Address Line 2 154 50 AN vendaddr_mst.addr##2
Address Line 3 204 50 AN vendaddr_mst.addr##3
Address Line 4 254 50 AN vendaddr_mst.addr##4
City 304 30 AN vendaddr_mst.city
Prov/ST 334 5 AN vendaddr_mst.state
Post/ZIP 339 10 AN vendaddr_mst.zip
Country 349 30 AN vendaddr_mst.country
Contact 379 30 AN vendor_mst.contact
Phone 409 25 AN vendor_mst.phone
Undefined 434 37 AN  


Field Description Position Length Format Field or Notes
Trading Partner Code 1 7 AN vend_tp_mst.tp_code

You can enter 17 characters in the Trading Partner field but will only use 7 characters for exports.

Record Type 8 3 N0 120
Purchase Order Number 11 10 AN po_mst.po_num, edi_po_mst.po_num
Sequence 21 3 N0 edi_po_mst.seq_num
PO Blanket Line Num 24 4 N0 0000
Line/Release Number 28 4 N0 0000
Text Sequence 32 3 N0 000
Undefined 35 9 AN  
Sequence 44 10 N0 system-generated note sequence
Text 54 400 AN SpecificNotes.NoteContent
Undefined 454 17 AN  

About Notes: If external notes exist for a purchase order, they will be exported and included in the flat file. No internal notes can be exported.

Only the first 4000 characters of an external note are exported to the type 120 record. Each record type 120 can store a text length of 400 characters. So, for an external PO note that is 4000 characters or more long, 10 records are created for one PO in order to export the entire 4000 characters. The vendor's software that imports the flat file must then concatenate each of the 400-character strings together in order to build the entire note text.


Field Description Position Length Format Field or Notes
Trading Partner Code 1 7 AN vend_tp_mst.tp_code

You can enter 17 characters in the Trading Partner field but will only use 7 characters for exports.

Record Type 8 3 N0 130
Purchase Order Number 11 10 AN po_mst.po_num, edi_po_mst.po_num
Sequence 21 3 N0 edi_po_mst.seq_num
PO Blanket Line Num 24 4 N0 0000
Line/Release Number 28 4 N0 0000
Text Sequence 32 3 N0 000
Undefined 35 9 AN  
Name 44 60 AN (remit-to)vendaddr_mst.name
Address Line 1 104 50 AN (remit-to)vendaddr_mst.addr##1
Address Line 2 154 50 AN (remit-to)vendaddr_mst.addr##2
Address Line 3 204 50 AN (remit-to)vendaddr_mst.addr##3
Address Line 4 254 50 AN (remit-to)vendaddr_mst.addr##4
City 304 30 AN (remit-to)vendaddr_mst.city
Prov/ST 334 5 AN (remit-to)vendaddr_mst.state
Post/ZIP 339 10 AN (remit-to)vendaddr_mst.zip
Country 349 30 AN (remit-to)vendaddr_mst.country
Contact 379 30 AN (remit-to)vendaddr_mst.contact
Phone 409 25 AN (remit-to)vendor_mst.phone
Remit-To Vend Curr 434 3 AN (remit-to)vendor_mst.curr_code
Undefined 437 34 AN  


Field Description Position Length Format Field or Notes
Trading Partner Code 1 7 AN vend_tp_mst.tp_code

You can enter 17 characters in the Trading Partner field but will only use 7 characters for exports.

Record Type 8 3 N0 140
Purchase Order Number 11 10 AN edi_po_mst.po_num
Sequence 21 3 N0 edi_po_mst.seq_num
PO Blanket Line Num 24 4 N0 0000
Line/Release Number 28 4 N0 0000
Text Sequence 32 3 N0 000
Undefined 35 9 AN  
Name 44 60 AN edi_po_mst.drop_name
Address Line 1 104 50 AN edi_po_mst.drop_addr##1
Address Line 2 154 50 AN edi_po_mst.drop_addr##2
Address Line 3 204 50 AN edi_po_mst.drop_addr##3
Address Line 4 254 50 AN edi_po_mst.drop_addr##4
City 304 30 AN edi_po_mst.drop_city
Prov/ST 334 5 AN edi_po_mst.drop_state
Post/ZIP 339 10 AN edi_po_mst.drop_zip
Country 349 30 AN edi_po_mst.drop_country
Contact 379 30 AN edi_po_mst.drop_contact
Phone 409 25 AN edi_po_mst.drop_phone
Undefined 434 37 AN  


Field Description Position Length Format Field or Notes
Trading Partner Code 1 7 AN vend_tp_mst.tp_code

You can enter 17 characters in the Trading Partner field but will only use 7 characters for exports.

Record Type 8 3 N0 150
Purchase Order Number 11 10 AN edi_po_mst.po_num
Sequence 21 3 N0 edi_po_mst.seq_num
PO Blanket Line Num 24 4 N0 0000
Line/Release Number 28 4 N0 0000
Text Sequence 32 3 N0 000
Undefined 35 9 AN  
Customer User-Defined Character Field 1 44 20 AN edi_po_mst.charfld1
Customer User-Defined Character Field 2 64 20 AN edi_po_mst.charfld2
Customer User-Defined Character Field 3 84 20 AN edi_po_mst.charfld3
Customer User-Defined Date Field 104 8 DT edi_po_mst.datefld
Customer User-Defined Decimal Field 1 112 12 N2 edi_po_mst.decifld1
Customer User-Defined Decimal Field 2 124 12 N2 edi_po_mst.decifld2
Customer User-Defined Decimal Field 3 136 12 N2 edi_po_mst.decifld3
Customer User-Defined Logic Field 148 1 AN edi_po_mst.logifld
Undefined 149 322 AN  


Field Description Position Length Format Field or Notes
Trading Partner Code 1 7 AN vend_tp_mst.tp_code

You can enter 17 characters in the Trading Partner field but will only use 7 characters for exports

Record Type 8 3 N0 200
Purchase Order Number 11 10 AN po_mst.po_num, edi_po_mst.po_num
Sequence 21 3 N0 edi_po_mst.seq_num
PO Blanket Line Num 24 4 N0 edi_po_bln_mst.po_line
Line/Release Number 28 4 N0 0000
Text Sequence 32 3 N0 000
Undefined 35 9 AN  
Item 44 30 AN
Revision 74 8 AN item_mst.revision
Drawing 82 25 AN item_mst.drawing_nbr
Description 107 40 AN First Line of Text for edi_po_bl
Vendor Item 147 30 AN edi_po_bln_mst.vend_item
Blanket Order Qty 177 13 N3 edi_po_bln_mst.blanket_qty_conv
U/M 190 3 AN edi_po_bln_mst.u_m
Effective Date 193 8 DT edi_po_bln_mst.eff_date
Expiration Date 201 8 DT edi_po_bln_mst.exp_date
Item Cost 209 14 N5 edi_po_bln_mst.item_cost_conv
PO Blanket Status 223 1 AN edi_po_bln_mst.stat
Undefined 224 247 AN  


Field Description Position Length Format Field or Notes
Trading Partner Code 1 7 AN vend_tp_mst.tp_code

You can enter 17 characters in the Trading Partner field but will only use 7 characters for exports.

Record Type 8 3 N0 210
Purchase Order Number 11 10 AN po_mst.po_num, edi_po_mst.po_num
Sequence 21 3 N0 edi_po_mst.seq_num
PO Blanket Line Num 24 4 N0 edi_po_bln_mst.po_line
Line/Release Number 28 4 N0 0000
Text Sequence 32 3 N0 000
Undefined 35 9 AN  
Sequence 44 10 N0 system-generated note sequence
Text 54 400 AN SpecificNotes.NoteContent
Undefined 454 17 AN  

About Notes: If external notes exist for a blanket purchase order, they will be exported and included in the flat file. No internal notes can be exported.

Only the first 4000 characters of an external note are exported to the type 210 record. Each record type 210 can store a text length of 400 characters. So, for an external blanket PO note that is 4000 characters or more long, 10 records are created for one blanket PO in order to export the entire 4000 characters. The vendor's software that imports the flat file must then concatenate each of the 400-character strings together in order to build the entire note text.


Field Description Position Length Format Field or Notes
Trading Partner Code 1 7 AN vend_tp_mst.tp_code

You can enter 17 characters in the Trading Partner field but will only use 7 characters for exports.

Record Type 8 3 N0 300
Purchase Order Number 11 10 AN po_mst.po_num, edi_po_mst.po_num
Sequence 21 3 N0 edi_po_mst.seq_num
PO Blanket Line Num 24 4 N0 edi_po_bln_mst.po_line
Line/Release Number 28 4 N0 edi_poitem_mst.po_release
Text Sequence 32 3 N0 000
Undefined 35 9 AN  
Item 44 30 AN edi_poitem_mst.item
Due Date 74 8 DT edi_poitem_mst.due_date
Ordered 82 13 N3 edi_poitem_mst.qty_ordered_conf
Whse 95 4 AN edi_poitemwhse
Prom Date 99 8 DT edi_poitem_mst.prom_date
Item Cost 107 14 N5 edi_poitem_mst.unit_cost_conv
Revision 121 8 AN item_mst.revision
Drawing 129 25 AN item_mst.drawing_nbr
U/M 154 3 AN edi_po_bln_mst.u_m
Vendor Item 157 30 AN edi_po_bln_mst.vend_item
Line/Release Status 187 1 AN edi_poitem_mst.stat
Undefined 188 283 AN  


Field Description Position Length Format Field or Notes
Trading Partner Code 1 7 AN vend_tp_mst.tp_code

You can enter 17 characters in the Trading Partner field but will only use 7 characters for exports.

Record Type 8 3 N0 310
Purchase Order Number 11 10 AN po_mst.po_num, edi_po_mst.po_num
Sequence 21 3 N0 edi_po_mst.seq_num
PO Blanket Line Num 24 4 N0 edi_po_bln_mst.po_line
Line/Release Number 28 4 N0 edi_poitem_mst.po_release
Text Sequence 32 3 N0 system-generated note sequence
Undefined 35 9 AN  
Sequence 44 10 N0 system-generated note sequence
Text 54 400 AN SpecificNotes.NoteContent
Undefined 454 17 AN  

About Notes: If external notes exist for a purchase order line/release, they will be exported and included in the flat file. No internal notes can be exported.

Only the first 4000 characters of an external note are exported to the type 310 record. Each record type 310 can store a text length of 400 characters. So, for an external PO line/release note that is 4000 characters or more long, 10 records are created for one PO line/release in order to export the entire 4000 characters. The vendor's software that imports the flat file must then concatenate each of the 400-character strings together in order to build the entire note text.


Field Description Position Length Format Field or Notes
Trading Partner Code 1 7 AN vend_tp_mst.tp_code

You can enter 17 characters in the Trading Partner field but will only use 7 characters for exports.

Record Type 8 3 N0 320
Purchase Order Number 11 10 AN edi_po_mst.po_num
Sequence 21 3 N0 edi_po_mst.seq_num
PO Blanket Line Num 24 4 N0 edi_po_bln_mst.po_line
Line/Release Number 28 4 N0 edi_poitem_mst.po_release
Text Sequence 32 3 N0 000
Undefined 35 9 AN  
Name 44 60 AN edi_poitem_mst.drop_name
Address Line 1 104 50 AN edi_poitem_mst.drop_addr##1
Address Line 2 154 50 AN edi_poitem_mst.drop_addr##2
Address Line 3 204 50 AN edi_poitem_mst.drop_addr##3
Address Line 4 254 50 AN edi_poitem_mst.drop_addr##4
City 304 30 AN edi_poitem_mst.drop_city
Prov/ST 334 5 AN edi_poitem_mst.drop_state
Post/ZIP 339 10 AN edi_poitem_mst.drop_zip
Country 349 30 AN edi_poitem_mst.drop_country
Contact 379 30 AN edi_poitem_mst.drop_contact
Phone 409 25 AN edi_poitem_mst.drop_phone
Undefined 434 37 AN